When Love Leads, Freedom Rings!

I consider myself to be a red-blooded American who believes in freedom, darn it! And I believe in all freedoms, for all people, until they infringe upon the safety and freedom of others. It doesn’t really matter which “side of the aisle” on which you stand, we should all agree that an assassination attempt on […]

This Is a Tough One…

This is a tough one to write.  And will probably be lengthy, but I hope you’ll take the time to walk with me for a moment.  Our medical mission trip to Honduras this week was canceled.  After fundraising thousands of dollars to pay for the trip and supplies, and after spending two solid days (countless […]

Are You a Good Neighbor?

Today I am visiting our Nation’s Capital with my 11-year-old son. He asked me on the bus latelast night on the way here, “What do people who live in Washington D.C. think?”“What do you mean?” I asked.“Well, just, the people who live in Washington DC, they get to live in the Capital of the wholecountry! […]

Out of Time

In the past three weeks, we’ve lost four friends or family members, none of whom were “expected” to pass away.  One of the things you always hear is “We’re not promised tomorrow,” and while we know this is true and often repeat it, sometimes life hits in a way that you feel it. Deeply.   One […]

Living on Purpose

Sometimes life just gets away from us, doesn’t it? I have struggled in recent months with rediscoveringmy purpose and calling. I am sure that probably sounds crazy to a lot of people, but I “find” myself in aplace I never dreamed of, both personally and professionally, and now I am trying to figure out what […]

Dump that Garbage

I love mornings, Mondays, and New Year’s Day! There is nothing quite as exciting to me as afresh start or a clean slate…a new opportunity to do it better, to get it right! So, here’s to 2024being better than 2023! Maybe you had your best year yet in 2023, but I’m willing to bet everysingle […]

The Power of a Positive Word

I do not descend from people who were well-off or well-educated. When we talk about the old South, my grandparents were among those picking cotton. My lineage has a legacy of hard work, diligence, and long suffering for a humble goal. While I am not afraid of hard work and long hours, and while I […]

When the Going Gets Tough…

Every month at 3:16 Healthcare, we do a Bible verse writing challenge. Just a couple of verses, usuallycentered around a theme for the month, that hopefully help us keep our hearts, minds, and motivationall working in the right direction. For July, the theme was “Water in the Word”, and there were so manygood verses, but […]

Running on Empty

Running has never been my strong suit, but to graduate with a 4.0 GPA, I needed tofinish strong in a final PE class and run a set distance under a certain time. Half waythrough the run, I was fading fast. Feeling discouraged and defeated, I had a suddenflash of inspiration: I remembered a Bible verse […]

The Healing

“I have heard your prayers and seen your tears.  I will heal you.” 2 Kings 20:5 It was two days before Thanksgiving 2017, and David held my hand as we walked the underground tunnels of the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota.  I was nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.  Earlier in […]